There's nothing like being poked awake by a baguette at the ungodly hour of 11:30am on a Saturday! I thought Party Hilda would sleep in but apparently her sleeping habits have changed along with her alcohol tolerance. I suppose there are worse things than being jabbed awake by fresh bread.
London in the summer is pretty much the same as London in the spring.... cold. It is pretty though. I've spent my first week lazing about and walking but all that will change. Oh yes, Aisha would be proud. I am going to get my act together and actually look into leaving Europe!
Here are some more pictures of Berlin. I love that city. I can't wait for Aisha to move back there so I can move into her basement....

The wall.

A giant fussball.

Daniele boozing it up at the beach bar.

My favourite Czech dish, Langosh. Deep fried dough topped with garlic, cheese and ketchup. Yum!