Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dino Morea makes me hot and other less important matters

My obsession with Hrithik Roshan is over. The man with the extra thumb has been replaced with hottie Dino Morea. I had all but forgotten about Dino until last night when I attended a picture show of his latest, Aksar. The love scenes in the film were way steamier than anything I've ever seen in a Bollywood film. Unfotunately most of them involved his much uglier co-star seducing and bedding the temper tantrum throwing Victoria Beckham wannabe lead actress. There was tongue and the lead actress (aka the bitch) wore a tan coloured band across her chest for some of the nude scenes. It wasn't quite booby shots but the most convincing Bollywood version of the money shot I have ever seen.

This time there was no security guards and metal detectors at the theatre. Only men who didn't turn off their cellphones and loved to whistle and catcall when the lead bitch walked onto the screen like a horse on a catwalk in barely-there outfits. The crowd burst into song when the Bollywood hit of the year was played fifteen minutes into the film. Murray, the British guy I met on the train, enjoyed his first Indian film experience and was so grateful he took me to a rooftop bar for some refreshing drinks.

A scene from Aksar

West Bengal is hot and dehydrating is quite easy. So easy that I had to try it for myself. At 2 this morning my love affair with street food and cold beers came to an abrupt end. I woke up exhausted this morning from my midnight walks to the squat toilets. Of course there was no water to drink anywhere in the dorm. The second day in Kolkata was spent sleeping under the constant rattling of two very noisy ceiling fans until 4pm. Then I got it in my head that I needed to get up and take a walk, you know, to take advantage of my time here. Walked to the park and started to feel vomity again, so on the way back I stopped at St. James' cathedral for a quick rest and then it was to bed for ten minutes before I got my first meal of the day. Two naans.

Tomorrow will be action packed. Yup, I'll get up at 5am to attend prayer service at the Motherhouse (Mother Theresa's little pet project in Calcutta), Belur Math the Ramakrishna headquarters, a quick walk through the marble palace and then off to buy some punjabi clothes at the New Market bazaar.

The man with the extra digit, Hrithik.

Okay, so we all make modelling mistakes.

Tell me this man isn't hot.


Blogger Communist Haberdasher said...

Hrithik is also the "Sylvester Stallone" of Bollywood. A big selling feature. He can make you the "Brigitte Nielsen" of India.

Tue Mar 07, 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger Christopherr said...

in that last picture he is doing a classic 'boy band' pose.

very textbook. haha

Tue Mar 07, 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apart from the hot guys there, how are the bedbugs coming? you haven't got much of a lead on me though, i just got foodpoisoning from a soup sandra made...

Tue Mar 07, 08:51:00 PM  

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