Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Filipinos take this day very serious. I found this out when the personal security of the President of Singapore wished me a Happy Valentine's day. Then he asked me to cross eight lanes of traffic. I only crossed four and once I had made sure that no sniper would think me a threat to whoever the president is, I crossed back. Strolled through the walled city of Intramuros where more people wished me a happy valentine's day. Then on to Chinatown where more random people wished me a happy valentine's day. Then I noticed that most of the people that wished me a happy valentine's day were security guards and police officers with big guns and German shepards and big smiles. Then my dentist remarked that I looked like a single woman. It must show in the teeth.

There's a few things people here love more than Valentine's Day. Singing and diesel fumes. Videoke cafes are everwhere and today, even the sales lady at the mall sang along with Shania Twain as I asked her a question.
Not all is lost. I have a hot date with Daniele's dad tonight. Ha ha ha. I'm kidding Daniele! But I am meeting him tonight for a stroll along the boardwalk.


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